Our Stories…

On this page, you will have access to our writings*, thoughts/opinions, and any possible updates we might have along the way. Each post will have the name of who wrote it, of course. Please enjoy, but be sure to look for any possible triggers that may be labeled beforehand.

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Sydney Smith Sydney Smith

The Tiles

This post was originally written by Alec:



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Sydney Smith Sydney Smith

His Gift

This post was originally written by Alec:

He is a gift. One given by the illusion of chance of course, though our intertwinement is anything but. I find myself looking back on our first encounter every so often; one instance in a history of falsehoods glued together to construct a life impossibly lived. And even while acknowledging its synthetic nature, the memory never fails to fill my chest with a radiant warmth.

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Sydney Smith Sydney Smith

Domestic Routines

This post was originally written by Alec:

There is a time inside where the flat sky fades from day to night, like a computer performing a scheduled switch of two images. They must have had some sort of meaning when they were first selected, but now they are just kept out of convenience. Sometimes when no one else is around, I lay on the false grass and watch them change, burning it into my memory as I wait for a new picture that will never come.

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